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555 Twin Oaks Road
Elkin, NC 28621
Questions or Prayer Request? Contact us anytime.
We are located 4 miles from Dobson and 1 mile from I-77.
We offer a nursery for babies up to two years old and children’s church for kids ages 3-7.
Children’s church is a time of worship built just for kids, with a Bible lesson, music, and crafts.
Also, babies and small children are welcome to stay in the worship service until you’re comfortable letting them go to the nursery or children’s church.
What should I expect if I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
It really doesn’t matter to us what you wear-we’re just glad you’re here!
What should I expect if I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
Yes, the worship center and classrooms are all on one level. The entry is covered, and anyone with mobility issues can be dropped off in front of the double doors.
What should I expect if I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
Yes, we offer new believers/new members classes several times throughout the year and anytime as needed.
What should I expect if I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
You can simply ask pastor Sean after a service or set up a time to talk with him. We also have CARE/Guest cards that you can fill out and make known your desire to talk with Sean.
We also have deacons and teachers who can help answer questions.
What can I expect when I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
You can expect biblical preaching, music that stirs our hearts to praise God, and a friendly welcome from people who are glad you’ve decided to worship with us! That’s it!
What can I expect when I visit?
I have questions about being saved, baptized, or about the church.
Are there classes or materials available for anyone interested in joining the church?
Is there easy access into and out of the building?
Does it matter what I wear?
Is there a nursery or a place for small children to go during worship?
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